I know the chaos you’re experiencing because I’ve walked that path myself with my own children and their six different diagnoses. That is why over 20 years later, I collaborate with parents like you to co-create strategies that get you and your family set up for success.

My son was first diagnosed with sensory integration disorder, autism (ASD) over 20 years ago. Tourette’s and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) followed about a year later. After two hospitalizations he was then diagnosed with an unspecified mood disorder. My daughter carries a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which she was diagnosed with in high school. It may not sound like it, but our story is one of great success; a miracle actually. My children are now young adults in their 20s and living independently. They are equipped with strategies that help them navigate the world and make decisions that are healthy and good for them. As we visit the past, I am well aware of the things I would do differently with and for them. Hindsight is 20/20 after all. Even with the mistakes I made along the way, we value the relationship with have with each other and I love the relationship I have with both of my children. We look forward to seeing one another and having fun when we’re together. I cherish the fact that they choose me to be part of their busy lives.

As a parent navigating the challenges that accompany neurodiverse behaviors, I felt isolated, sad and worried about my children. The behaviors I was watching my son navigate were scary to me and I had no idea how to handle them. My training as a teacher and Love and Logic facilitator were not adequate. I chased the diagnoses wanting to make him better. The day came when I realized I could either continue to try to fix my son, or I could try to nurture a relationship with him which had been elusive. At that time, services for an autism diagnosis were not insured and available therapies or treatments were massively expensive. I felt like I was fighting a losing battle.

Additionally, I found the behaviors that my son was dealing with pulled my full attention away from other things and people, including my daughter. I could always count on her to play independently and put space between her and dangerous outbursts. This was not fair to her though. She deserved to have my full attention and to feel like she was a priority. I was beyond challenged when I tried to juggle the two. I see this as my biggest failure. When one person has a trauma, carries a diagnosis or undiagnosed disruptive behavior, it affects the entire family. That is why when you decide to work with me, we address the needs of every family member.

My coaching career began as an elementary school teacher with a solid foundation in early childhood and elementary educational practices, policies and child development. What was missing were behavior management strategies I wasn’t trained for. To strengthen my training in the classroom, I became a certified Love and Logic facilitator. Shortly thereafter, I became a mom to my two children – my most important and impactful life-long training. My Love and Logic training fell short however, as I navigated the neurodiverse journey with my own children. Needing to be creative, I developed, experimented with and refined parenting strategies and techniques that not only worked with my family but helped us to build positive and loving relationships. Knowing I’m called to work with parents like you, I went on to earn my Whole Person Coaching Certification (WPCC), my International Coaching Federation Professional Coaching Certification (PCC) and my certification through Creating a Culture of Renewal. You can find me still taking classes to further my growth and development. My journey raising my children mirrors some of the experience the families I work with now navigate. My focus is on supporting parents of children with behavioral challenges to honor their child’s gifts rather than seeking to “fix” them. These strategies create an atmosphere where everyone’s needs can be met and disruptive behaviors don’t dominate relationships. After coaching and consulting with families and educators for more than twenty-five years, I launched my own practice: Miracles in Parenting (2020).

Every family’s coaching is tailored to meet their specific challenges and family culture, making my approach truly unique. Parents I work with experience feeling believed, seen, heard, and understood. They love living in harmonious homes, and having stronger relationships with their family members. If you would like to enjoy parenting, like who you are and how you show up as a parent and are ready to make more happy memories rather than putting out fires, I invite you to call me. You are the most valuable member of your child’s team and only you can parent your children in a way that they need. They need YOU and YOU ARE NOT ALONE!